Not to sure where April went, I turned around and it was May 1st. April was just a whirl wind and we did a lot of fun and exciting things with friends (new and old) and family. First things first, last night April 30th the boys slept in big boy underwear for the first time ever with out accident. I know I am jinxing myself but how exciting, they just grow up too fast. The boys are enjoying swim class, school, friends, family, parks and the semi nice weather. We spent a lot of April in water, summer seems to have come early in Texas. I wish spring was still here without all the allergies. We also have started a responsibility chart with the boys. Teaching them to put on their own clothes, table manners, sharing and cleaning. IT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!! I hope May brings as much activity and fun but pray the boys don't try and test me as they have been in the past. They are truly becoming their own person these days. Enough of me just blabbing, here are some much needed pictures!!
The boys love to swim and love going to swim class. They are doing so well and show us how much they can learn. But they are still boys....
My boys!!! IM IN LOVE
Bad idea of letting him paint inside. The wind has been crazy so this was my solution... I had to watch him like a hawk. John is a sports fanatic. Loves to play anything, so fun!!
Cool dude
We had Rachel over one day and played at the park. Brandon and Rachel are great friends!
MONKEYS John now smiles on command and smiles when he walks into a room!! he had a good time with Aunt Katie
Easter Egg Hunt in our neighborhood. Egg hunt #1
Where's Brandon?
John liked the Easter Bunny, Brandon had nothing to do with him
Ellie and John
Brandon, Julia and Rachel
Best Friends
This was the majority of the egg hunts they did, Brandon looking for eggs, John eating everything piece of candy. This was egg hunt #2 at my parents house
My new friend Kristen had us over to hunt eggs and play. We had such fun!!!
Egg hunt #3 Lots of eggs
First peep
Easter picture with the cousins
Planting wild flowers for Earth Day
Egg Hunt #4 at Brian's parents house. They loved running around with their cousins then swimming off the energy they got from all the candy
Best Friends, super cute picture
Gardening Gala at the Lamb School.
John and Brandon with their AWESOME teachers Mrs. Brackney and Mrs. Keifer
After the Gardening Gala we went to get snow cones with our friend Zach and his mom Kristy. Those boys have so much fun together
Princess Belle
6 years ago